Friday, 19 December 2014

Mirror Mirror on the Wall..

#mirror #mirroring #metallics #postproduction #editing

Post production is increasingly popular in regards to fashion photography, advertising and editorial. Software developed rapidly over the last few years; programs such as photoshop are used on a daily basis working in the fashion industry but also graphics and advertising agencies. Photoshop is used in fashion to create the idea of mockery and romanticism in advertising. Using a few easy editing tools i have used my own images based on development on my 'Metallic Moodboard' images.

#left #positioning #seguins # metallics #mirror #postproduction  

#mirror #manisharora #inpiration #bollywood #metallic #sequins

This final edit is my favourite. As i am focusing on Indian designer Manish Arora for my 'Metallic Brandboard'. So i thought when editing potential pictures from my mood board i wanted to incorporate the ideas of Indian sculpture and architecture into the work. I believe if Manish Arora were to re-establish his collection he could look at the structure and pattern within indian architecture for inspiration. 

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